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helden. heroes. héros. 1.1 (2013): Helden der Versöhnung in zeitgenössischen Erzählungen über den Spanischen Bürgerkrieg von Javier Cercas, Alberto Méndes und Ramiro Pinilla

Marlene Kuch

This contribution deals with the protagonists of three contemporary novels about the Spanish Civil War. These figures are presented as heroes although and because their actions contradict not only the traditional obligations of war heroes but also the aims and interests of their own warring party. The article deals with Soldados de Salamina, Los girasoles ciegos and La higuera La higuera, three novels that have to be considered within the context of the still contentiously held debate in Spanish society about the past. They attempt to offer an answer to the question as to how the losers’ demand for the reclamation of their memory can be met without permanently abandoning the societal consensus reached after the end of the dictatorship.