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Project Ö: Heroes in Education. School Settings and Transfer of Academic Knowledge

Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck

Research associate:
Kristina Seefeldt

Involved disciplines:
American studies, education studies


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Since its first funding period, SFB 948 has cooperated with schools in order to test the interdisciplinary potential of the study of the heroic. In particular, the SFB has worked with secondary schools (gymnasiale Oberstufe) in an attempt to introduce high school students to current research in the humanities and to offer them insights into academia. The application of relevant research results into a wide range of knowledge and competence transfer practices in schools has become increasingly important in Baden-Württemberg, particularly since the 2016 Education Plan called for a reorganization of teachers’ professional development and further training programmes.

The SFB is working on a sustainable strategy to include schools, teacher training, and continuing teacher education in three ways.

(1) The SFB’s application of research results for the development of school and subject-specific teaching and learning materials (including self-learning and e-learning) will be based on the Education Plan 2016 in Baden-Württemberg.

(2) Ö will bring together, in a cooperative format, teachers, trainee teachers and students (for instance in combined or cooperative teaching units, the supervision of seminar papers, or theses in the Master of Education programme). Ö will specifically invite the University of Freiburg’s partner schools, and use the network established in 2016 by the Teaching Practice Network (Praxiskolleg) within the framework of the Freiburg Advanced Center of Education (FACE, consisting of the ALU Freiburg, the Freiburg University of Education, the teacher-training seminars, and the partner schools). Ö will develop self-study modules and blended learning units, as well as conduct individual cooperation projects with schools, actively involving researchers at the SFB.

(3) By inviting teachers to SFB colloquia, and offering them tailored courses and workshops, Ö will provide further education and training opportunities. These events will be integrated into the teachers’ professional development and further training programmes at the respective institutions, and will also be a model for future knowledge transfer between academia and schools.