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Deutsche Welle, “A History of Heroes” | December 7, 2016
Dr. Nicole Falkenhayner (Project D15) explains the significance of the heroic in our society in this interview on the Deutsche Welle programme World in Progress. The interview can also be downloaded as an mp3 file.

University of Freiburg Surprising Science, “Die Wurzeln des Heldentums” | September 5, 2016
Prof. Dr. Ralf von den Hoff (Speaker of the SFB 948) and Dr. Martin Kovacs discuss Project B1, “‘Imitatio Alexandri’: Heroisms in Portraits and Images of Rulers and Heroes in Greco-Roman Antiquity” in a video interview.

Deutschlandfunk, “Der Wandel der Heldenfigur” | July 28, 2016
Prof. Ralf von den Hoff (Speaker, Project D1), Prof. Ronald G. Asch (Vice-Speaker, Project D5), Prof. Ulrich Bröckling (Project D12), and Prof. Barbara Korte (Vice-Speaker, Project D15) appeared on the Deutschlandfunk programme Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften to discuss the phenomenon of heroes and their evolution from antiquity to today.