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Courses in Winter Semester 2018/19

Graduate Seminar: Von der Postmoderne zum postfaktischen Zeitalter
(Pof. Dr. Ulrich Bröckling, Department of Sociology)

Graduate Seminar: Exploring the (Ant)arctic
(Prof. Dr. Joachim Grage, Department of Scandinavian Studies,
Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte, English Department)

Graduate Seminar:: Spy Fiction in Britain – Literature Film, Television
(Prof. Dr. Barbara Korte, English Department)

Seminar: Female Superheroes
(Eleonora Sereni, English Department)

Graduate Seminar:: Victorian Heroes – A Digital Humanities Project
(Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge, English Department)

Graduate Seminar:: Die Künstleranekdote in Text und Bild
(Prof. Dr. Anna Schreurs-Morét, Department of Art History)