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New Release | Barbara Beßlich, Nicolas Detering, Hanna Klessinger, Dieter Martin, Mario Zanucchi "Geistesheld und Heldengeist"

by Barbara Beßlich, Nicolas Detering, Hanna Klessinger, Dieter Martin, Mario Zanucchi:

Geistesheld und Heldengeist, Studien zum Verhältnis von Intellekt und Heroismus, Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen, Vol. 14

Heroic spirit and heroic action can be connected in many ways – when intellect and heroism compete, when poet and ruler complement each other or when spirit and act are synthesized to form one heroic character. Drawing on recent concepts of heroism and agency, this volume brings together articles from various disciplines. They shed light on the long history and broad intercultural relevance of the topic in order to determine its potential for future cultural studies.

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