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Projects (2016–2020)

D1 | The Heroic in the Intercultural and Political Field of Conflict of the Imperial Roman World up to the 7th Century

D2 | Knights, Rulers, Heroes: Heroic Interpretational Models of Warring Elites in the European High Middle Ages

D3 | Epic Heroism in the Early Modern Period: Heroizations of Emperor Maximilian I in Latin Epic Poetry

D4 | Grazia and Terribilità: Charismatizations of the Artist as a Heroic Phenomenon in the Early Modern Period

D5 | Models of the Heroic in Military Self-Portrayals from 1756–1815 in German–French Comparison

D6 | Expected Heroes: Heroic Waiting in German Literature of the Early 20th Century

D7 | From Military to Political Heroization: Paul von Hindenburg and Philippe Pétain in Comparison

D8 | Heroization of Work in China and Russia Between 1920 and 1960

D9 | Sport and the Heroic in French Literature from the Interwar Period to the Present

D10 | Image Warriors and Images of War: War Photographers as Heroes and Hero Makers in the Second World War

D11 | Young Heroes of Post-Heroism: Negotiations of the Heroic in Scandinavian Young-Adult Fiction After 1945

D12 | Sociological Diagnoses of the Present Between Post-Heroism and New Figures of the Extraordinary

D13 | Myth and Heroization Processes: Hans Blumberg

D14 | Heroization Strategies in Conflicts of the Middle East Since the 1970s

D15 | The Heroic in 21st-Century British Television Series: Discourses and Aesthetic Strategies in a Popular Medium

D16 | Semantic Transformation of Prefigurative Heroes in Iran Since 1925

H | Syntheses: Online Compendium and Handbook to “Heroes – Heroizations – Heroisms”